WHMIS 2015 Training

WorkplaceNL Accredited

Who Should Attend?

WHMIS training is designed to protect you from immediate and long-term hazards associated with hazardous materials such as compressed gases, paints, cleaning products, fuels or solvents.

Half (1/2) day


  • Hazards

  • Labels

  • Pictograms

  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

  • Protection

  • Emergency Actions

  • Special Situations

  • Regulations

  • Responsibilities

  • Education & Training

There is no expiry, however, Section 6(4) of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulations under the OH&S Act state: “(4) The employer shall review at least annually, or more frequently if required by a change in work conditions or available hazard information, and in consultation with the joint health and safety committee, the worker health and safety representative or the workplace health and safety designate, the instruction and training provided to workers concerning controlled products.”

Note:  DMC also offers a WHMIS Self-guided option. The participant will be provided with a booklet which will be returned to DMC once completed for correction. Upon successful completion a certificate will be issued to the participant.